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Your friendly country Lutheran Church here in Mt. Pleasant, NC

Advent Devotion: Thursday Dec, 21

Published by


Matthew 27:50-51

Then Jesus cried again with a loud voice and breathed his last. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, and the rocks were split.

If we are to believe the song Silent Night, then Jesus’ life was bookended by quaking. Although “shepherds quaking at the sight” is a far cry from the type of earth-shaking movement that split the curtain temple in two and opened the gravestones upon his crucifixion and death.  

But what else other than the literal shaking and quaking of the foundations of creation would do for the coming and going of the God of heaven and earth from this mortal coil? 

All these centuries later we still feel the reverberations. Do you feel them, those quakes and shakes? When your heart longs to sing Christmas Carols this time of year it’s because the earth still shakes. When you light candles in the dark. When you return to the story of Jesus’ birth. When you feel that “Christmas Spirit.” These are not random occurrences or coincidences. 

What you feel are the aftershocks of the most momentous moment in human history. What you feel are the quaking and shaking that occurred the moment God came down to earth as a tiny little baby and then followed him the rest of his life. 

So, what about now? Do you feel the quaking? Over the next two days look, watch, and listen, and I know that you will? 

Pr. Dan